
Beats by Dre Just Beats to have appropria

Oneself and companions ,Archer bow and arrows are also on the roof ,looking for the enemy .Others hold weapons ,ready to fight .relationresultAmbush is guard head and tail ,the middle section of the guard was attacked array .
But the middle array of soldiers is also not the effect ,also be prepared to meet the challenge ,Beats Detox,even Wu Kuang and Wu Qing to have appropriated his sword .relationresultAll of a sudden ,listen only Peng ,Peng several times, from both sides on the roof is more than 10 fireworks ,firecrackers spark shining time ,roar ,and suddenly the scene shine brightly ,also make the horse surprise jump ,across the array at once began to chaos .
While the guards in darkness saw light ,are instinct eyes a moment ,to see anything .relationresultAt this moment, suddenly from around the roof to fly two shadows ,one before and one after straight Wu arch .
relationresultWhen Wu ,Wu Kuang sunny two siblings eyesight just restored some vaguely about meeting someone ,straight to his father ,not lose splitting .The name saber ,fling caution to the winds speed stabbed the air with figure .
relationresultSaw two shadows in the sky ,was as powerful may by general ,avoid two speed stab blade ,then the body and a swing, flash of the flint ,from both sides of the Wu Gong cross .
relationresultWu Kuang ,Wu Qing two siblings when vision was not fully restored ,with fireworks will be out of the light ,which would see the original team ,over across a long cable ,and on the sides of the roof on the one hand ,rigid cable end .
I have more than 10 silhouette .Only the two figure with a long cable ,an emancipated jump back to the roof ,and turn off the roof ,disappeared in the dark .relationresultI saw Wu arch mouth a piece ,spits out some blood from horseback ,a cut down .
Wu Kuang ,Wu Qing two sibling ,hurried to his father .When the fireworks by completely out, the whole The Strip was plunged into darkness .relationresult�� �� ���supports the originalstarting to support genuine �� ��relationresultAre part time ,Xing Yuan Palace Royal garrison division of the cella still lights brightly lit .
relationresultWu Xizheng and a red lamp on the monks ,in chess .relationresultThe red white to monks ,is leisurely, falling chess flying,Beats by Dre Just Beats, but Wu Xi seemed to be preoccupied by some troubles ,always hesitate about what move to make .
I saw on the surface with sparse black ,white world .relationresultThen came in from outside a from the people ,came to the two man ,said: all the adults ,they come back . , relationresultOh.
Wu Xi hurried to put down the pieces, said: fast ,fast send them in . , relationresultNot a long time ,it took two people ,one is called a monk ,a yellow .The other one is a headband gold hoop ,a chapter ,a walker .
Came in, give the red monk salute ,and said: teacher, the disciples came back . , relationresultWu Xi is busy to it waved his hand ,let him off .From the back ,Wu Xicai asked: ,how is it going ? The voice was trembling .
relationresultThat the monks to Wu Xishi a gift ,said: the Lord please relax ,to the right . , relationresultWu Xi was long one breath ,feel a sense of relief ,dark heart thinks: uncle ,you can ,it was you ,you also leave Xingyuan house ,must want to carry a message to Wang Yan ,you don Peter affection, it also can not blame me .
And then turned to the red monk ring Shi Li said: this time ,it is thanks to the purohita help . , relationresultThe red monk smiled ,palms and what ,also a ceremony ,said: Wu EC ,this trifle ,forget it ,you and I together days longer ?We have many things to need to rely on Daikin ,EC ! , wonderful unlimited http://Www.
HOTSK.Com/ , relationresultThe five ambush 4 way , relationresultThis is the current minister cardinal monks living Buddha in Anze ,and that the monk and the walker is his two disciples ,he Taitu and Fu Xiang Zun person Hailancha .
relationresultThe original since the golden army began to invade south ,Wu Xi had the song from the heart .When the Jin army invaded Ling ,hyojong martyred ,Wu Xi felt the song time to start preparing ,in central sichuan .
But he also fears have been since Gu of situation only force ,so the idea with the Jin forces .relationresultJust when the garrison in Northwest Qin system model makes Wanyan derivative and a letter to Wu Xilai ,urged Wu Xi to independence .
This is the letter that is Jin used sow dissension plan, check .But Wu Xi would fit in exactly with one ,immediately sent Yao Juyuan and Wanyan Yan confidant and network, show their intended the song self-reliance ,and willing to give eight gold homage ,outside of customs ,hoping to get the support of .
relationresultIn fact, Wanyan derivatives and the letter ,have almost no hope ,Artist Series.Who knows Wu Xi actually sent them back ,but also expressed willingness to offer homage to .Wanyan derivatives and receiving the letter also can overjoyed ,since he was demoted to the northwest, was looking for a chance to return to the crime .
But now his only fifty thousand or sixty thousand troops ,removing the guard place ,can arouse the only 30000 people, such a strength ,want to attack in Sichuan ,no less than ever .Do not think unexpectedly falls down from the world such a chance .
relationresultThus Wanyan derivative and a following and Wu Xi keep in touch, a plan to report to the court .Just when the teacher Anze from the Potala Palace pilgrim returned ,via the Qin Dynasty in .
Because it is too large ,Wanyan derivatives and but the heart can ,but Anze is the division ,was also involved in politics ,thus Wanyan derivatives and bring the matter to tell Anze .
relationresultAnze after listening, can not help but very happy .This is your opportunity to build achievement .But although he was the national division ,but this event he also can decide for himself ,so immediately personally arrived at Ling Wanyan Yong ,the news report to finish Yan yong .
relationresultWanyan Yong learned the news, can not help but happy .In the days since eight years ( 1130 ) to the day will be twelve years ( 1134) this five year period ,Jin was in Sichuan as the main target of the attack ,but in the song Wu Jie ,Wu Lin brothers resisted ,often lost, thus giving up massive attack Sichuan ,changed to Jianghuai for breach .
relationresultAnd after this time the South although captured the JAC, broke through the Yangtze River, but for strength has not been much damage ,still she force in Jiangnan, Jing Lake area and the Jin army to hold ,the war temporarily stuck .
If at this time ,Jin from Sichuan to open a gap ,and then from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River downstream, and the Golden Army thing converging attack ,it may break the current impasse ,thus at one stroke and the Southern Song Dynasty, unified the world .
relationresultThus Wanyan Yong letter immediately ,by Anze fully responsible to accept Wu Xi surrender ,and ordered the letter of Wu Xi to the king of Shu ,received clearance from eight County ,Sichuan territory by Wu Xi self governance .
And Lintao Road ,Fengxiang Road ,Jing Zhao rd the southwest three road military were handed over to the Anze dispatch ,with Wu Xi back to independent action ,everything can be easily .
relationresultAn imperial edict translation please ,hurry to sign house ,let the Wanyan derivatives and the mobilization of military forces ,ready to receive clearance from eight county .
At the same time, don others and Wu Xi contact ,so personally with his two disciples : lower the venerable Taitu ,Fu-hu venerable Hailancha and eighteen other disciples ,all reached Xingyuan house ,to see Wu Xi ,good interview Wu Xi the surrender terms .
relationresultJust Gonglai to Wu Xingyuan house ,blamed Wu Xi ,and also leave, Wu Xi instantly kills the heart .But Wu Xi is aware of his will and Xing Yuan palace people that do not know a Wu arch ,allowing them to you will miss the things .
So Wu Xi was commissioned by the Anze help .relationresultAnze is also fit in exactly with one ,because now Wu Xi reduced gold activities are dark ,not open ,so there are still many variables .
But to kill Wu arch ,so if Wu Xi is thorough and the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court ,and Chia break ,is only one mind rebelled after all .So send Paitaitu and Hailancha two led the other eighteen disciples in hand ,The Strip might kill Wu arch .
relationresultSee them kill the success ,Wu Xi also is at ease ,on Anze Road: division, now Lanzhou ,Lintong house ,Tao state five counties have not in my jurisdiction within, I can be Related articles:

