
beats dr dre ginning of the year

 It visits friend in chapter 13 rain(a)
The Wan son poured to absorb an one mouthful to forgive spirit, discovered affair really is so, and then listen to Fan Jian continuing to smile to say:"So say, , the his majesty can endure temporarily can not endure one a life time, can endure official hierarchy, can not endure own son, if the his majesty hasn't been thinking then just, but as long as starting thinking the first problem, then and beyond controlly will doubt a lot of things, so restructure a section field, the corruption also became a natural matter."
Lin Wan Er head the bosom that lean on him, in a soft voice say:"In fact these affairs are spoken of also simple, if I would like to want that also thinking is understand, why isn't prince's elder brother understand?"
"Is not not understand, just the prince has already started insecurity."Fan Jian thoughts of in the beginning of the year emperor his majesty to bestowing of three adulthood emperor's sonses, there the noodles contain of deep idea, even Fan Jian also sees not and greatly understand, want to come to in spite of is a prince or big emperor's son, all some terrible uneasy, so this time section field on, would stretch hand to stretch thus long.
Lin Wan Er sighed an one breath way:"I don't beg as well mutually Mr. can win the champion to split soil, begs to can make a free and unfettered Hou Ye like, these affairs are always troublesome severe."
"Rich and honored loiterer, the solid what I expected is also."Fan Jian smiles in response to the way, thoughts of the nickname of Gu treasure saint and immediately after says:"Just some affairs can not get use to, the head quarter makes a suspicion, who call I take with the name of father's adult of how all don't like."
See he make fun a Weng, Lin Wan Er cannot helped but bursting Chi to smile out, ask a way again:"Father there should nothing important problem."
"Stop worrying, the father went to a trip at the mid-night on that day the mansion is mutually."Fan Jian's saying back again beginning is those words, shakes head to praise highly a way most :"So I all first say to inspect this matter in the hospital to do beautifully, you see these officials who catch recently, in addition to Guo still book outside, wrap to point east temple, privy council insides all someone fall a horse, Yue Zhang there although also caught a square vice minister,after all have never harmed Jin to move a bone, if this proper restraint feeling isn't the experienced person that immerses Yin officialdom for few decades to do, positively can not control thus skilled."
"Is this very difficult?"Lin Wan Er's smile asks a way.
Fan Jian's finger lightly once combed from the cuckoldry black hair, light tone answer way:"Is very difficult, letting those influences are painful, can not let their pain die again.In case not the his majesty advantage manages."
Finish saying this words, his forehead gushes a light sorrow color.
"How?"The heart is thin the Wan son such as the hair held close mutually male arm, concern ask a way.
Fan Jian shook to shake head, thought in the mind that secret worry flicks:"I originally thought this Jie corruption, definitely deceived not to live a world person, so worked well a dozen the preparation of the fierce battle, unexpectedly inspected a hospital to cover I best, however you could say that again.This in this world doesn't have cement wall, head quarter drive east the temple know I with inspect the relation of hospital.And ……celebrate the bedlamite of country too many.I am by this time worrying that bedlamite that is getting more lame."
"Chen Ping Ping?"Lin Wan Er knows right away who what he said is, but she doesn't know mutually male in addition to lodging complaint a corruption, with inspect that terrible feeling in the hospital duty the organization still has what contact, so is a bit interrogative, this puzzles too and severely, even the Yan went to a cement wall, these three not clear words.
Fan Jian smiled to smile, have no to explain this matter son completely white, Be just light tone way:"I am worried that Chen Ping Ping didn't want and deceive this affair from the first."
"He dare!"
Each young girl's liking to be ownly mutually male is with full intention the hero of sense of righteousness, so this time, Fan Jian secretly lodges complaint a corruption.Although Lin Wan Er is some to worry, heart the deep place is full is satisfy and proud.Listen to Chen Ping at this time and want to will mutually choose by acclamation people of this world in front, at the thought of that kind of is dangerous.The Jiao Qu is one earthquake, the spirit your work of princess, hum a way:"I tomorrow go into a temple to seek queen mother!"
Fan Jian roars with laughter, consolation way:"Chen Ping Ping even if give out I, only afraid save also not is what bad mind."
Lin Wan Er isn't understand, but Fan Jian is clear, this is a good opportunity, in the Yan poem in night will behind, if think at celebrate a country common people in firm fame for setting up own position, this time Jie corruption is one matter, the undoubtedly best opportunity.Lay a teacher to once say according to the fee of, since the intimate war ally of the mother Chen Ping Ping comrade always unwilling he or she was the database rich family in Weng, don't want to make oneself administer to inspect a hospital, so according to legendary Chen Ping Ping's personality, lending spring Wei the corruption is one matter, let oneself suddenly jump outstanding living, is not an impossible affair either.
The problem lies in and get with lost proportion exactly is how much, this Fan is carefree to still have some to take to prohibit.
He is from the bed climb get up, looking at the light drizzle of Zhe Zhe out of the window, this just discover hour F through near noon, oneself unexpectedly tied up Mian on the bed with wife greater half day, unavoidably sweet sweet smile get up, being just a smiling face the inside is a bit exhausted.This time Jie corruption, one because oneself really has mercy on those private's sons that really have ability and learning, two is a Fen not those emperor the sons the pair of be a cordage by himself/herself similar is pulling out, the most important reason, but because he wants to try Chen Ping Ping finally.
Fan Jian will go to north together, so he has to know, that inspecting of real strenght terror old man in the hospital to he or she actually is what attitude, at the same time, he even wants that seeing is clear, that is concealed in old man's back of 95 sovereign actually are what attitude to he or shes.
The attitude decides to be the whole, the attitude decides a relation, the attitude can announce to public history, can announce to public ……life experience.Fan Jian Wei's Mi eye, deeply wear brand the glass window of mother's breathing, looking at dark cloud on the sky, feel everything that celebrate a country is like together interesting brain teasers,beats dr dre, while oneself's seeming has been running about in being infinite and approaching the road of true facts.
Probably, the target has been very near.
Fan Fu outside tiny wet of long street up, a wagon that doesn't have the marking just and in quiet stops where, sudden, one personal shadow from in was like shed leaves to generally float out, will land time for ground, the right Zhang is in following car compartment on taking, the whole individual has already drilled to go into wagon.
"Walk."Fan Jian's bottom just sat to in the chair, deliver words.
Rattan son city from resisted the position last time head of to see young master one eye, wry smile way:"Young master, if the master knows stanza you still goes out at this time, will teach small."
Fan Jian smiles harder:"Not and hurriedly walk again, the not only master wants to take stick to beat me this not filial son, even you that gentle and soft young daughters-in-law be all taking cordage to bind me."
At this time stanza, inside in the city is really agitated of time, gift department still book Guo You of be arrested the news of incarceration.Was used a hour to get about the whole Kyoto, but any officials linked to spring Wei all restlessly stay at in home, after fearing in a short while, inspecting the spy of hospital will knock on door, then guest the polite spirit ground ask he or she to drink tea.
But Fan Jian is the key person of corruption, realize the department of inside story south Bo Fan's setting up adult and morning princess more don't dare to put him to make moves, so he had to secretly slip away out and sighed to say:"The rattan is big, luckily young master I still have you this confident in the city, otherwise connecting the trip door is all not easy."
Always the calmness sits at him nearby of Wang Qi Nian, the smiling face obviously became the most bitter of that, wear a woebegone expression way:"Adult, descends an officer have been wanting to become your confident hard."
Fan Jian ha ha smile, teased a way:"Wang Qi Nian, you should say ventriloquist."
Once the horsewhip ring, black of the wagon go slowly and forward.The car wheel Nian leads the waterhole of street, on all sides green tree drive rain water a wash.Is softer green, the rear in wagon, there are several spies that inspect a hospital being dressed in each color rain gear, far and far follow this wagon, all of them are the persons of the Qi year groups.Exclusively be responsible for the safety of Fan Ti's department.
"If there are officials in the dynasty make reprisals how to do?I the hand here is some shortage."Wang Qi Nian is to know Fan Ti is in department and hospital what affair, have some to worry.
Fan Jian Wei is tiny on smiling, cold idea in the Mou son a now:"Now not is at the beginning, we are going to of place also not is a cow to block street.This officer pours to want and see, in addition to that crazy old woman son, who dare in Kyoto, the eyelid of saint below assassinates me."
"Go where?"The rattan son city doesn't turn head as well, the low voice asks a way.
Fan Jian saw Wang Qi Nian's one eye, Wang Qi Nian talked quietly a place name, then explanation way:"Very coincidentally, the adult has a liking for of those students, all live in an Inn."
The wagon is folding the outside of dress lane to stop down, the air is still falling a light rain, Fan Jian supports a paper umbrella with 2 people in the city of rattan son after getting off to in walk to, Wang Qi Nian has already disappeared at crowd in.
This fold the dress lane is an outside county to come to city to raise son to gather to reside of place, inside in the city broke out a section field corruption again today, so is still that one is boiling, hustles badly at this time.Fan Jian raises an umbrella and gingerly follow into from the street in walk, umbrella noodles just a little and outwardly Qing wear, in case the rain water on the umbrella falls the street side bottom in the Yan seeks shelter from rain of peddler's pot.
"Pardon."A bookman of shape very thin anxiously shouts and lifts two pots of wine in hand and once wipes Fan Jian Er's people's ground nearby and urgently rushed toward the front, unexpectedly is the rain water that stands in no fear of from sky but declines, turned head to see Fan Jian Yi's eye while being just this person to pass by.
Fan Jian raises an umbrella, looking at to eliminate man's the person in rain and shakes head to say with smile:"This and at the beginning finish of be the bedlamites like more?As long as the examination finished, have to wildly inebriate some kind of."He hits Ba Za Ba's mouth, some regrets at the beginning because of body of the reason can not take part in the graduation Yan of school.
The rattan son city listens to isn't very understand, but still respectfullly and sincerely explanation way:"Estimate a mold is Guo You it falls from power one matter, let these student thus excited."
"Still does Guo the breeze of book review badly?"Fan Jian at will goes before going toward and looking at is like a playboy that likes to take a walk in rain.
The rattan son city says with smile:"Officer in the city has no a few breezes to review okay, there is a common saying in the Chuang, if lined up six officials to chop down head, estimating to touch could have 1 to wrong."
Fan Jian ha ha on smiling, also have this kind of joke while wishing previous incarnation, make fun a way:"That you say my father whether the the wronged?"
The people of this world all knows that department south Bo Fan sets up first for the door department vice minister, empress is still book, don't know from the national treasury in get how much silver, if say big corrupt official, Fan Jian's father's father-in-law, only afraid is could not escape ex-3 to go.But this words rattan son city where dare to say, listen to young master this problem, the cold sweat starts hereafter drilling in back, wry smile way:"Young master, small bad break, you never mind."
"Is the corrupt official afraid of?The people of this world doesn't suffer from an officer to be greedy for, but suffers from this officer to be greedy for but incapable."
"Childe's this words aren't satisfactory."
Seek shelter from rain in the umbrella that suddenly there was personal milli- to Don't mention it drill into Fan Jian from the side, hold a paper to wrap in hand of burn a chicken, burn the tiny burnt flavor of chicken to connect this to cover with fine drizzles all Yan don't live.
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