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Wild Sir!I still can not tell this to buy to resell a general assembly with poison to have what contact.You controled a gold triangle is a good matter.This means that you can be with the lucky strike.But the illegal drug selling is all big parts of the whole world nations hostility ground matter.I think that you should rise a development be.But be not on a large scale make what world poison dealer general assembly.You ground the method will let world majority ofly the nation carry on listing as wanted ground to you.If government in Columbia can't kill an American now ground puppet ground words.Our wheat virtuous group wood also can't the performance ground is thus overbearing and ruthlessness.This isn't us ground is original meaning.The just actual circumstance ground needs.Otherwise we can not keep on existing."The Ai Si section Ba says.
"I know!The general assembly ground of dealer from poison in world convenes is in response to tile Sir in the west ground superior.Is also that you don't know that a ground of another cooperation colleague's ground requests to convene ground.Convene a ground of eyes ground not is let the drug overflow.But is limit drug ground to spread.Our this colleague has to oddly request.Those are any illegal drug selling organizations to all disallow drug is toward Hong Kong and Taiwan and Chinese mainland sale.Which afraid is none of 1 grams to go.The our this colleague's ground real strenght is strong to arrive us to refuse his ground request.So I and Kun Mr. Sha promised his ground request.Combined to carry on a cooperation with him.We also from it acquired the earth advantage very.Kun Mr,dr dre beats. Sha of so obtain a ground of victory.Ground because of having him the ammunition support.He can send to the Kun to the ammunition Mr. Sha ground hand inside.Need not be worried about the quilt other nations to find out.He has thus ground ability.Otherwise you now should isn't Hong Kong in Columbia be not?But I can trust the ground is in America, Europe carry on drug sale.But need not be worried about the drug ground conveyance problem.This is our cooperation geography from."The way that is small wild to hide an explanation.

Text 259 Weis force(2)
Renew time:2009-8-321:34:23 chapter word numbers:3339

"If I choose cooperate with you, what advantage can I have?"The section of Ai Si expects to small wild hide to ask a way.
"You can acquire an advantage a lot of!The first, you can acquire the drug markets of America and Australia, you can exclusively control two drug businesses of places, we in no case participate, same Asia,beats by dre uk, Europe and Africa market will be me and Kun Mr. Sha of, I and Kun Mr. Sha and another of our partners contain further cooperation, from now on Kun Mr. Sha is responsible for production, another of our partners are responsible for a conveyance, while I then am responsible for sale, but acquire of the profits is me with Kun Mr. Sha Be each to take 40%, our another cooperate a colleague to take 20%.The condition that we cooperate with you is that you need to do assurance:Your wheat virtuous group wood disallows toward three place sales that I mention which afraid is a gram of drug.The second, you agree a cooperation, we can cooperate to fight other illegal drug selling influences and control they are in our hand, let your my real strenght be getting stronger, at the same time you I of can't become an enemy, contrary we will carry on certain support to you and for example say to provide the type of soldier of, know American government have been carrying on stroke to virtuous group wood of your wheat, your ammunition sources have been being subjected to very big restriction, there are our helps, you can acquire more and more advanced weapon, I think that we can also think a way to provide, even if you want inter-continental guided missile.Have so many advantages you to still be dissatisfied with?"It is small wild to hide to ask a way.
"If I choose noncooperation meeting how?"The Ai Si section Ba after listenning to small wild hide the advantage said immediately after asks a way again."That very regret!I can tell you clearly, Ai Sir Si Ke Ba!The first, you from now on can not return to Columbia any further, and your life was also an end.The second, before general assembly in the world convenes, we will think to the utmost the whole ways exterminate wheat virtuous group wood, especially the deluxe head of group of your these wheat virtuous group woods, then we will support virtuous group wood of new wheat to take part in the poison dealer's general assembly.The proliferation scope that controls a drug is our purposes.For attaining this purpose, we ground another cooperator made use of his most of underground strength all and included advanced science and technology in the his hand, so anyones can not obstruct poison dealer convening of general assembly.So say that I advise you, Ai Sir Si Ke Ba!Or again the consideration consider.This but relate to virtuous group wood of you and your wheat many people life ground important event, the child's play doesn't get!"It is small wild to hide to say.
"The leeway said so that I didn't choose, can cooperate!However I still keep a little bit worrying, knowing American government isn't so deal with of, you so on a large scale convene what world poison dealer general assembly, not afraid does the American, European seek your troubles?Still have, do you prepare a where to convene this general assembly?Want to know these human life fields to all be listing as wanted them on most of nations.Where can make them safely stop over?There are no a ground of words, my promise is Manx to pour is a quite good choice."The Ai Si section Ba to small wild hide to say.
"This you need not worry, the location of conference we already make sure good, how can't you thoughted of, either!We decide that the location that convene meeting puts Shanghai in Chinese mainland, as long as our these people uses publicly an identity to justly get into China, the safety can't have a problem, know China and the United States' waiting a nation don't extradite regulation.And Chinese now seem don't also join international criminal police organization.So our these people's getting to China is a common visitor, the safety doesn't need to be worried, and the law-and-order situation in China's comparing the United States and Europe is much better.Still have, I can reveal some secret for you, the relation from the same Chinese government of another of our cooperators very of close, the safety absolutely can promise."Is small wild China hiding to know Wei is the together tallest to leader a relation close, there is nearby the intelligence people of China in Wei China follow behind this, small wild hide to also equally know.
"That good!I formally reply you now.Wheat virtuous group wood would like to cooperate!The general assembly ground of my dealer from poison in in hopes of world convenes."Ai Si section's expecting is also an old fox.Know now him for the fish, artificial knife Zu.So he chose a cooperation.Have again he the choice cooperation also has disaster water moves toward east of viewpoint, he is an American government ground eyesore.But once poison in the world dealer the general assembly convene, perhaps small wild hide, Kun sand with their cooperation the colleague is Europe all countries and American government were seriously best to threaten, because once the drug market is faced by this several personal controls, the United States and Europe all countries of drug the threat want than now big get many.
"Good!Ai Sir Si Ke Ba!Congratulate you did the most perfect choice, I promised that you can't be today's choice penitence in the days to come!Our cooperation the colleague paid attention to to virtuous group wood of your wheat very long-term, know virtuous group wood of your wheat although being strong,BE not a sheet iron either is a piece of, circumstance in the struggling for power and money of inner part also very serious,cheap dr dre beats, this circumstance I think that Sir Si Ke Ba of Ai should be knowing, the development of this circumstance serious check and supervision wheat virtuous group wood, our cooperation colleague's meaning is to take advantage o you this of suddenly disappear, pegging out those people are your loyals to belong to bottom, those are the greed of right that peeps you, then exterminate these greeds, thoroughly internal concealed suffer from inside the cancellation group, letting the strength of wheat virtuous group wood can well of exertion come out, so we can have more strength to resist American government and international criminal police, how do you feel?"It is small wild to hide to ask a way.
"If really canning make to arrive is certainly very good, but the public isn't so distinguish of, I am seriously worried about this way to probably weaken the strength of group!If the words of confidence that doesn't is definite, I don't approve to carry on this plan."The Ai Si section Ba says.
"You trust!Our cooperator has absolute confidence to peg out these people, you want ~only etc. of patience up and for a while, time can't grow too much, most a week, you can return to Columbia, the wheat of the that time virtuous group wood, absolutely being your a person's wheat the virtuous wood is that group."It is small wild the section hiding toward the Ai Si to expect assurance way.
The old nest of the wheat virtuous group wood of Columbia inside.Ai Si section Ba of suddenly disappearance aroused the disorder of one, the big part supports Ai Si section Ba of wheat the virtuous group wood member start adjusting to send to receive a personnel to look for the Ai Si section Ba in succession and peep Ai Si section to expect a leadership Related articles:

